Running Google's PHP App Engine on Cloud9

I ran into some issues setting up Google’s PHP App Engine on the Cloud9 IDE that I thought I should share with you.

After I setup a new workspace in Cloud9 with a current App Engine project, I followed the Linux installation directions for the App Engine.

Using the $IP and $PORT variables* set by Cloud9, I tried to run the development server:

~/google-appengine/ --host $IP --port $PORT workspace/

Unfortunatly I recevied this error message: Unable to bind

Using my google-fu I discovered that you can receive that error if another program is using the port you are trying to run the App Engine on. So I ran sudo netstat -taupen | grep ":8080" and found that apache2 was using port 8080.

After I killed Apache with this command sudo pkill apache2, I was able to start the development server using the same command used above.

* $IP and $PORT were set to and 8080 respectively.

Written on July 29, 2015